Bulk Operations for Proxy List

DICloak enables users to perform bulk operations such as importing, testing, and deleting proxy lists. To access these bulk operations, you need to upgrade your Free Plan to either Team Plan or Pro Plan.

Operations Guide

1.Access the Proxy Management Page

  • Open and log in to the DICloak software. Find “IP proxies” on the left navigation bar, then enter the “Proxies” page.

2.Bulk Operations

  • When you select proxy information, you can perform bulk operations.

3.Bulk Proxy Import

  • Click on “Batch Import“.
  • Click on “Import Template” in the pop-up prompt.
  • Fill in the information according to the “Instructions“.
  • After filling in the required information, upload the file and click “Confirm“.

4.Bulk Proxy Testing

  • Click on “Batch Testing” to perform a bulk check of whether the exit IPs are successfully connected.
  • Generally, the proxy list will be automatically checked. You can also check the connection status of your IP addresses.

5.Bulk Proxy Delete

  • Click on “Delete” to perform a bulk deletion of the proxy list.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.Can I perform bulk operations with a free subscription?

Unfortunately, so far bulk operation for proxies management is only available wih Team Plan and Pro Plan. For subscribers of Free Plan, you can upgrade your subscription first and then you can enjoy this feature!