Bulk Operations for Browser Profiles

DICloak enables users to perform bulk operations such as opening, closing, transferring, and deleting browser profiles, as well as setting up groups for multiple browser profiles. To access these bulk operations, you need to upgrade your subscription from the Free Plan to either the Team Plan or Pro Plan.

Operation Guide

1.Access the Profile List Page

  • Open and log in to the DICloak software first. You can find “Browsers” on the left navigation bar, and then go to the “Profiles” page.

2.Bulk Operations

  • Select multiple browser profiles first, then you can perform bulk operations.

3.Bulk Open Browser Profiles

  • Click “Batch Open” to open multiple browser profiles. The profiles will be opened sequentially from top to bottom.

4.Bulk Close Browser Profiles

  • Click “Batch Close” to close multiple browser profiles. This action will only close the profiles currently open in your account.

5.Bulk Set Group for Browser Profiles

  • Click “Set Group” to assign multiple browser profiles to the same group.

6.Bulk Transfer Profiles

  • Click “Transfer” to transfer multiple browser profiles to another team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I perform bulk operations with a free subscription?

So far this function is only available with Team Plan and Pro Plan. Feel free to select one according to to your needs and make your work more efficient!