Create Profile – Basic Information Setting

To create a new browser profile, you need to fill in the basic information for your browser profile. Follow these steps to fill in the basic information as required.

Profiles – Create Profile

Open and log in to the DICloak software. Find “Profiles” on the left navigation bar and click the “Create Profile” button to enter the profile creation and editing page.

Create Profile – Basic Information

  • Profile Name: Enter the profile name for easy management. The name must be unique and cannot duplicate existing profile names.
  • Remark: Remark is optional. Users can add notes related to the browser profile for better management.
  • Profile Group: You can choose no group or an existing group.
  • Browser: Currently, the default is ChromeBrowser 120.
  • Operating System: Choose the operating system you want to emulate based on your needs. Supported systems include Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux. Multiple selections are allowed, but the final profile will be generated from one of the selected options.
  • User Agent: Some websites send different pages based on the User Agent (UA) to different operating systems and browsers. Choose the UA that you want to emulate to bypass detection as you need.
  • Cookie: In anti-detect browsers, cookies are used to simulate multiple user identities and behaviors. By managing and modifying cookies, you can avoid being detected by websites, achieving user authentication, session management, user tracking, and personalized experiences. Cookies are filled in optional. If you need to fill in cookies, they must be in JSON format, which can be obtained through online cookie converters.
  • When creating a profile for the first time, you can enter cookies, which will be injected into the browser when the profile is launched.
  • When editing a profile, you can modify cookies, which will be applied to the browser when the profile is launched.
  • After launching a profile, existing cookies along with new cookies from opened web pages will be automatically filled into the cookie input box.
  • New cookies can be directly entered into the “Other Cookies” input box.
  • If you have launched a browser profile and need to edit and modify cookies, you need to close the open browser profile and reopen it for the corresponding cookies to take effect.