1. Details of the Browser Profile Interface
1.1Get the list of browser profiles
GET /v1/env/{env_id}/open
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
page_no | integer | Yes | Page number, default is 1. |
page_size | integer | Yes | Pagination size, default is 10. |
serial_num | integer | No | Serial number. |
name | string | No | Name. |
group_id | string | No | Group ID. |
proxy_host | string | No | Proxy host (Method 1). |
status | string | No | Status (DISABLED for deactivated, ENABLED for normal). |
platform_user | string | No | Platform. |
remark | string | No | Remarks. |
start_create_time | string | No | Start time. |
end_create_time | string | No | End time. |
operate_status | string | No | Browser profile open status: ENABLED for open, DISABLED for closed. |
Response Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Browser profile ID, env_id |
create_time | string | Creation time |
update_time | string | Update time |
serial_num | integer | Serial number |
group_id | string | Group ID |
group_name | string | Group name |
name | string | Name |
browser | string | Browser type (CHROME: Chrome) |
ua_type | string | UA type |
ua | string | User Agent |
ua_os | string | User Agent OS (WINDOWS/MAC/ANDROID/IOS/LINUX) |
cookie | string | Cookie |
other_cookie | string | Other cookies |
proxy_way | string | Proxy way (CUSTOM: Custom, SELECT_EXIST: Select existing) |
proxy_id | string | Proxy ID (Mode 2) |
proxy_type | string | Proxy type (Mode 1) (NON_USE: Not used, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, SOCKS5, IPFLY) |
proxy_host | string | Proxy host (Mode 1) |
proxy_port | integer(int32) | Proxy port (Mode 1) |
proxy_user_name | string | Proxy account (Mode 1) |
proxy_passwd | string | Proxy password (Mode 1) |
proxy_ip_type | string | IP query channel (Mode 1) (IP2LOCATION) |
urls | [string] | List of URLs |
config | string | Advanced settings in JSON format |
status | string | Status (DISABLED: Deactivated, ENABLED: Normal) |
remark | string | Remarks |
last_open_time | string | Last open time |
operate_status | string | Operation status (DISABLED: Closed, ENABLED: Enabled, LOCK: Locked) |
account_list | [object] | Accounts |
font_id | string | Font ID |
data_config | string | Data configuration |
browser_config | string | Browser configuration |
env_mutil_open_type | string | Multiple browser profile openings: GLOBAL: Global, ALLOW: Allowed, BAN: Prohibited |
operate_members | [object] | Information of the current browser profile operator |
config_ext_map | object | Extended fields |
total | integer(int32) | Total number of items |
Response Example (Python)
"code": 0,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"list": [
"id": "1848687666096832515",
"create_time": "2024-10-22 19:27:41",
"update_time": "2024-10-23 21:28:15",
"serial_num": 166,
"group_id": "1776895967565094913",
"group_name": null,
"name": "env——name",
"browser": "CHROME",
"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/119.0.6005.0 Safari/537.36",
"ua_os": "MAC",
"cookie": "",
"other_cookie": null,
"urls": [
"status": "ENABLED",
"remark": null,
"last_open_time": "2024-10-23 21:26:15",
"operate_status": "DISABLED",
"account_list": null,
"font_id": "",
"data_config": "{\"type\":25,\"dataType\":\"custom\"}",
"browser_config": "{\"type\":1,\"browserType\":\"custom\"}",
"env_mutil_open_type": "GLOBAL",
"config_ext_map": null
"total": 65
1.2PATCH to Open the Browser Profile
PATCH /v1/env/{env_id}/open
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
env_id | string | Yes | Browser profile ID, corresponding to the ID in the list. |
Response Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
serial_number | integer(int32) | Yes | Serial number of the browser profile. |
pid | string | Yes | Process ID of the browser profile. |
debug_port | integer | Yes | Port of the browser profile. |
Response Example (Python)
'code': 0,
'msg': 'success',
'data': {
'serial_number': 2,
'pid': '27028',
'debug_port': 17539
1.3PATCH to Close the Browser Profile
PATCH /v1/env/{env_id}/close
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
env_id | string | Yes | Browser profile ID, corresponding to the ID in the list. |
Response Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
serial_number | integer(int32) | Yes | Serial number of the browser profile. |
pid | string | Yes | Process ID of the browser profile. |
debug_port | integer | Yes | Port of the browser profile. |
Response Example (Python)
'code': 0,
'msg': 'success'
1.4POST to Add a New Browser Profile
POST /v1/env
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
group_id | string | Yes | Group ID |
name | string | No | Name |
browser | string | Yes | Browser type (CHROME: Chrome) |
osOsVO | OsVO | Yes | Operating system |
ua_type | string | Yes | UA type (Refer to the appendix for UA types) |
ua | string | Yes | User Agent |
ua_os | string | Yes | UA OS (WINDOWS/LINUX/MAC/ANDROID/IOS) |
cookie | string | No | Cookie |
other_cookie | string | No | Other cookies |
proxy_way | string | No | Proxy mode (CUSTOM: Custom, SELECT_EXIST: Select existing) |
proxy_id | string | No | Proxy ID (Mode 2) |
proxy_type | string | No | Proxy type (Mode 1) (NON_USE: Not used, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, SOCKS5, IPFLY) |
proxy_host | string | No | Proxy host |
proxy_port | integer(int32) | No | Proxy port |
proxy_user_name | string | No | Proxy account |
proxy_password | string | No | Proxy password |
proxy_ip_type | string | No | IP query channel (IP2LOCATION) |
urls | [string] | No | URL list |
config | string | Yes | Advanced settings in JSON format (Refer to the attached table: Advanced settings for browser profile) |
remark | string | No | Remarks |
data_config | string | No | Data configuration (Appendix: Data synchronization) |
browser_config | string | No | Browser configuration (Appendix: Browser configuration) |
config_ext_map | object | No | Extended fields |
env_mutil_open_type | string | No | Multiple browser profile openings: (GLOBAL: Global, ALLOW: Allowed, BAN: Prohibited) |
extensions_type | string | No | Extension configuration: (ALLOW: Allowed, BAN: Prohibited) |
extensions_group_id | string | No | Extension group ID |
account_list | [EnvironmentAccount] | No | Accounts |
Name | Type | Required | Description |
platform | string | Yes | Platform |
url | string | Yes | URL |
user_name | string | No | Login account |
passwd | string | No | Login password |
secret | string | No | Secret key |
remark | string | No | Account remarks |
"extensions_type": "ALLOW",
"name": "test profile",
"group_id": "1858448274955902978",
"browser": "CHROME",
"os": {
"windows": [
"mac": [
"android": [
"ios": [
"linux": [
"ua_type": "[\"all\"]",
"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/121.0.6166.0 Safari/537.36",
"proxy_way": "CUSTOM",
"proxy_type": "NON_USE",
"proxy_ip_type": "IPAPI",
"account_list": [
"urls": [
"config": "{\"acceptLangType\":\"ip\",\"acceptLangValue\":[\"en-US\",\"en\"],\"langType\":\"acceptLang\",\"langValue\":\"local\",\"timezoneType\":\"ip\",\"timezoneValue\":\"local\",\"geoType\":\"ask\",\"geoSubType\":\"ip\",\"geoValue\":{},\"fontType\":\"custom\",\"fontValue\":[\"Academy Engraved LET\",\"Yrsa SemiBold\",\"Yu Gothic UI\",\"Yu Gothic UI Regular\",\"Z003\"],\"webrtcType\":\"disable\",\"webrtcValue\":\"\",\"canvasType\":\"noise\",\"canvasValue\":\"42541\",\"ratioType\":\"truth\",\"ratioValue\":\"\",\"webGLImageType\":\"noise\",\"webGLImageValue\":\"92132\",\"webGLMetadataType\":\"custom\",\"webglManufacturer\":\"Google Inc. (AMD)\",\"webglRender\":\"ANGLE (AMD, Radeon RX 580 Series Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11-31.0.14051.5006)\",\"webGPUType\":\"disable\",\"audioContextType\":\"noise\",\"audioContextValue\":91094,\"clientRectsType\":\"noise\",\"clientRectsValue\":3530,\"speechVoicesType\":\"noise\",\"speechVoicesValue\":10408,\"deviceMemoryValue\":\"8\",\"trackType\":\"0\",\"batteryType\":\"noise\",\"batteryValue\":62582,\"portType\":\"1\",\"portValue\":\"\",\"accelerateType\":\"0\",\"hardwareConcurrencyValue\":\"12\",\"ratioWidth\":\"\"}",
"data_type": "global",
"browser_type": "global",
"env_mutil_open_type": "GLOBAL",
"ua_os": "WINDOWS",
"extensions_group_id": "1858448274955902979",
"data_config": "{\"type\":0,\"dataType\":\"global\"}",
"browser_config": "{\"type\":0,\"browserType\":\"global\"}"
Response Example (Python)
Name | Type | Description |
id | string | Unique ID of the browser profile. |
serial_number | integer | Serial number of the browser profile. |
Others | Same as the request parameters | Details of the browser profile (Refer to the definition of request parameters). |
"code": 0,
"msg": "成功",
"data": {
"id": "1864934151789899778",
"serial_num": 1,
"extensions_type": "ALLOW",
"name": "test profile",
"group_id": "1858448274955902978",
"browser": "CHROME",
"os": {
"windows": [
"mac": [
"android": [
"ios": [
"linux": [
"ua_type": "[\"all\"]",
"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/121.0.6166.0 Safari/537.36",
"proxy_way": "CUSTOM",
"proxy_type": "NON_USE",
"proxy_ip_type": "IPAPI",
"account_list": [
"urls": [
"config": "{\"acceptLangType\":\"ip\",\"acceptLangValue\":[\"en-US\",\"en\"],\"langType\":\"acceptLang\",\"langValue\":\"local\",\"timezoneType\":\"ip\",\"timezoneValue\":\"local\",\"geoType\":\"ask\",\"geoSubType\":\"ip\",\"geoValue\":{},\"fontType\":\"custom\",\"fontValue\":[\"Academy Engraved LET\",\"Yrsa SemiBold\",\"Yu Gothic UI\",\"Yu Gothic UI Regular\",\"Z003\"],\"webrtcType\":\"disable\",\"webrtcValue\":\"\",\"canvasType\":\"noise\",\"canvasValue\":\"42541\",\"ratioType\":\"truth\",\"ratioValue\":\"\",\"webGLImageType\":\"noise\",\"webGLImageValue\":\"92132\",\"webGLMetadataType\":\"custom\",\"webglManufacturer\":\"Google Inc. (AMD)\",\"webglRender\":\"ANGLE (AMD, Radeon RX 580 Series Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11-31.0.14051.5006)\",\"webGPUType\":\"disable\",\"audioContextType\":\"noise\",\"audioContextValue\":91094,\"clientRectsType\":\"noise\",\"clientRectsValue\":3530,\"speechVoicesType\":\"noise\",\"speechVoicesValue\":10408,\"deviceMemoryValue\":\"8\",\"trackType\":\"0\",\"batteryType\":\"noise\",\"batteryValue\":62582,\"portType\":\"1\",\"portValue\":\"\",\"accelerateType\":\"0\",\"hardwareConcurrencyValue\":\"12\",\"ratioWidth\":\"\"}",
"data_type": "global",
"browser_type": "global",
"env_mutil_open_type": "GLOBAL",
"ua_os": "WINDOWS",
"extensions_group_id": "1858448274955902979",
"data_config": "{\"type\":0,\"dataType\":\"global\"}",
"browser_config": "{\"type\":0,\"browserType\":\"global\"}"
"next": null
1.5PUT to Edit the Browser Profile
PUT /v1/env/{env_id}
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
env_id | string | Yes | Unique ID of the browser profile. |
Other request parameters | string | Yes | Refer to the definition of the request parameters for adding a new browser profile. If a field is not passed, the update of this field will be ignored. |
Response Example (Python)
'code': 0,
'msg': 'success'
1.6DELETE the Browser Profile
DELETE /v1/env/{env_id}
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
env_id | string | Yes | The unique ID of the browser profile. |
Response Example (Python)
'code': 0,
'msg': 'success'
1.7DELETE to Completely Delete the Browser Profile
DELETE /v1/env/{env_id}/thorough
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Required | Description |
env_id | string | Yes | The unique ID of the browser profile. |
Response Example (Python)
'code': 0,
'msg': 'success'