How to Create and Edit a Browser Profile Group?

If you want to manage the established browser profiles by grouping them, you can follow the tutorial below.

Operation Guide

1.Click “Groups” Button

  • Open and log in to the DICloak software. Find “Browsers” on the left navigation bar, then click “Groups“.

2.Click “Create profile group” Button

  • Click the “Create Profile Group” button to create a new profile group.

3.Enter Group Information

  • Enter the group name and remark, then select the team members who can use the profiles in this group. After that, click the “Confirm” button to complete the setup.

4.Edit the Group Information

  • After setting up a profile group, you can click the “Edit” button of that group to edit its group information.

5.Delete the Group

  • After setting up a profile group, you can click the “Delete” button of that group to delete it from your list. If you want to delete the browser profiles of the group at the same time, remember to click “Delete the profile in the group” before deleting.